Synergy as a Paradigm for Mental Wellbeing

The consequence of being human is the necessity for engaging in complex interpersonal relationships because of our complex human brain. The coding of our empty cognitive slates does not take place in a vacuum but within the context of our diverse human relationships such as exist between husband and wife, father and children, parents and family members, Governor and the state, the president and the nation. These relationships are very crucial for wholesome human development but when riddled with conflicts may have very grave consequences for mental wellbeing. Conflicts are inevitable because every human being is unique in terms of the biological and psychological constitution. This unique constitution is the basis for thumb printing, genetic mapping and DNA mapping usually employed in forensic and other situations that require exact identification.T he behaviour of human beings is a product of nature and nurture. The nurturing of the biological endowments in all of the templates of human Interrelationships requires recognition, understanding and accommodation of the peculiar traits of individual participants in a synergy. Conflict in any relationship is not a negative signal but its management often culminates into grave mental health consequences.T his particular need has been successfully captured in the developed countries where their respective governments are viewing mental health as a crucial resource for all of life.
Mental wellbeing is seen as a form of capital crucial for the overall development of the society.T his paradigm extends beyond Identification and treatment of mental illness but prevention of incidence of mental illness, ensuring that folks who are now mentally healthy do not break down and also employing mental well being as a resource for employment. The overall challenge for mental capital development is the successful management of conflict in the direction of resolution. I find a concept very useful to others in the handling of conflicts. Synergy in this context is a form of cooperation in diverse forms of our relationships that transcend the narrow confines of selfish Interest for the ultimate common good.
A good number of mental illnesses are traceable to deep unresolved conflicts in the marital situation. The African culture is essentially patriarchal which could indulge some of the tendencies in the males that destroys synergy. Communication patterns, obligations and even budgeting may unduly favour the male at the expense of the females. The marital experience in this context, therefore, serves the interest of one spouse over and above the other which may lead to the development of mental illness. One of the strongest factors of predisposition to abuse of hard drugs may be traceable to parochial parenting styles that prevent growing children from expressing and asking questions.
The concept of synergy prescribes free association that allows for unreserved expression in the journey of finding an acceptable third alternative for the common good. In Africa, there are many sociocultural factors that provide a breeding ground for mental illness. Our culture has great values but certain aspects need to be interrogated that can pose damage to mental well being. The philosophy of synergy is rooted in the concept of WIN- WIN which is a leading paradigm even for growing businesses that will endure, families that will provide a sound environment for wholesome mental development. The leadership in varied settings need to provide avenues where participants can express opinions which may differ and invariably harmonized in decisions that reflect the ultimate common good. Certain parochial cultural concepts that have no regard for the contributions of the children and wife will frustrate synergy and mental capital development. Relationships cannot just be allowed to drift, they must be governed from certain proven effective principles that guarantee wholesome product. Mutual relationships which form the template for the innocent minds of children to gain, blossom and flourish. Leadership in these settings should not be self-serving but altruistic in the framework of thinking win-win. The same applies to the governance of our other societal institutions. Synergy is the mother of Servant-Leadership concept that is ruling the business and political world. Organizations, government institutions, schools and religious organizations can only fulfil their mandates of enhancing mental development only when they are servant-led.
The current situation we are experiencing in our country provides a precarious template for mental illness to flourish. Our social welfare Institutions are comatose and when active, they are not properly governed to fulfil this mandate of wholesome human development.
Our leaders lack the discipline and culture of synergistic orientation hence the failure of our institutions to deliver. We need to challenge leadership to submit to the WIN-WIN philosophy that underlies the concept of synergy. We need to provide a social and emotional environment that enhances mental well being and aligns us in the direction of mental capital development.
Dr Adeoye Oyewole
+234 803 490 5808 (WhatsApp Only)


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