Let Us Stop The Suicide

This topic is coming up  from an experience I had about a week ago while teaching a postgraduate class and the issue of suicide came up for  discussion. There was almost a unanimous view that whoever commits suicide will definitely end up in eternal damnation. The lesson I took from that discussion is that the Supreme Being did not create any of us to assume the responsibility of terminating our lives since we did not create ourselves. Even when we do not believe there is a supreme being, we all have an awareness of a form of supernatural essence within us that is linked to some special purpose to fulfill.   I connect to   the sense of value and worth that the message implies such that irrespective of our experiences we should all realize that we are not only significant but irreplaceable. However, embedded in this same belief is the opposite that can make us complacent about folks around us that may be on their way of committing suicide.  I know that our culture abhors suicide and all religions preach against it in a sense that confers sacred value on human life.  Suicide is never an event but a process. Relatives of those who may have committed suicide can testify to the fact that they were given enough signals to have prevented the suicide if they heeded them. This is where I challenge our cultural ambassadors and religious leaders not to wait till anyone under their watch commits suicide but to be proactive in its prevention rather than wait for the opportunity to pronounce judgment.

Suicide ranks as the 10th leading causes of death in the United States. Globally, an estimated 700,000 people take their own lives annually. In certain populations, such as adolescents and young adults, suicide constitutes 1 of the top 3 causes of death. Numerous  activities are associated with suicidal potential that include the following; Making a will, getting the family together, unexpectedly visiting friends and family friends, purchasing  a gun, hose or rope and writing a suicide note. Some may even visit a primary care physician within 3 weeks before they commit suicide with some vague complaints. Folks with greater risk of committing suicide often have a strong preoccupation with death. They may engage in philosophical or cultural or religion views of justifying death in preference to living. Usually they may suddenly withdraw from usual activities and abandon interesting relationships and activities. Some may even start withdrawing from family discussions and interactions. With keen perception, one can notice a great deal of emotional distance from others, distractible and lack of humor as they remain in a world of their own. Some have morbid   preoccupation with the past of losses, defeats and may classically describe the future as bleak and black. They may voice the notion that others and the world would be better off without them. These behavioral patterns exist within the context of relationships as parents, spouses, siblings, colleagues and boss. My concern is that the haze of culture and religion may mask the keenness of insight to detect these signals and appropriately intervene. Another setting is in the marital relationship where a spouse is locked up in an abusive relationship that religion or culture perpetuates. Even folks that experience business failures and political downturn may need to be watched closely and subjected to some surveillance.  Most suicidal cases arise from mental illness especially depression which is usually masked in Africans. Overwhelming undue sadness, definite plans of killing self or those who think and talk suicide, need clinical assessment. Folks with strong family history of suicide especially approaching the anniversary of a family member’s suicide or the age at which a relative committed suicide may need to be closely watched. Adolescents and young adults especially should not have guns. Adolescents that have a severe mental illness that distract through hearing voices are more prone to committing suicide. Drugs of abuse can also induce suicide especially when the mood elevating effects have worn off and the consequences of loss of job, loss of marriage or business begin to manifest. Folks who lose a friend suddenly in tragic sense and live alone may be more prone to committing suicide .The lesson to take home is that we should seriously take changes we notice in our relatives, spouses or child and get them to have mental health consultation. Such persons should not be left alone around objects that he can use to harm himself.  We should not allow religion and culture to stop us from taking steps that can effectively prevent the suicidal action from being completed.  Life is sacred, we must all work together to stop this menace.     

Dr. Adeoye Oyewole
+234 803 490 5808 (WhatsApp Only)      


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